
Shh! Secret Sketchy!

Well, what with all the art festivals and whatnot that needed tending to this last month, September almost got away from me. ALMOST. At the last minute, we wrangled together a stealth Sketchy session at Hamtramck's beloved Cafe 1923. It was a quieter, more Sunday brunchy sort of Sketchy, with the bunch of us assembled in the front room, nibbling Trader Joe's mini-quiches, digging the natural lighting and otherwise chilling out. We even had a purty autumn-colored bouquet to set the mood. Aww!

Also dig-worthy was Sophia, a veteran art-school model (I almost said art-school poser, but that's something else...) with a bottomless selection of costumes for us to draw. She went from fishnetted '60s Amazon to parasol-toting '50s-ish picnicker to mandolin-plucking cowgirl to full-on Renaissance wench over the course of the three hours. Her dramatic Greek features and consummate posing skillz make her a pleasure to sketch. (And, ohyeahshe'salsomywife...! Biased much?) Photos here from Agnes Domanska, who's pretty much our official photographer at his point - thanks again, Agnes!

Next up: A spooky Sketchy back at the Belmont on Thursday, October 25, featuring (if all goes according to evil plan) some zombified cheerleaders! If you're thinking... of missing... the next Dr. Sketchy... DON'T!!

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