
Dr. Sketchy 3: I Want My Tim TV!

Again with the late update... oy. Anyway, thanks as always to the many sketchers, new and returning participants alike, who turned out to the latest Dr. Sketchy Detroit last Thursday, despite my last-minute organizing. Thankfully word is getting out via channels other than me, like the Belmont's calendar of events, the people at Hatch and some other web sites that have heard the news and passed it around.

Our model was the amazing Tim TV of the Fire Fabulon troupe, and while it proved way too chilly outside for any flame-throwing fun, Tim made up for it by providing us with plenty to look at and fill our sketchbooks with. He claims to have never done this art modeling thing before, but you could've fooled us (although my wife, an artists' model with 20 years of experience, did take a minute to give him some pointers on making those long poses a little easier to bear...!).

Here are two of my sketches, more to come.


Anonymous said...

Nice sketches, Sean!!!! Is the first one charcoal or pencil?

Anonymous said...
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Sean Bieri said...

It's graphite stick on kraft paper, the art supply combo that got me through college and is still one of my favorite ways to work. Thanks!