
Panic! Chaos! Swedes!

It must be Dr. Sketchy Episode 6: Attack of the Killer Queen Bee!

They say good things come to those who wait, and despite a late start Thursday night's session with the stunning Karen "Queen Bee" Neal was most definitely a very good thing. Any drawing class that begins with the model strapped into a homemade bikini made of black skull-and-crossbones tape (like something pirates would string up at a crime scene) and brandishing a bass guitar is going to be an evening to remember! We drew late into the night as Queen Bee switched into a couple of classic Vegas showgirl outfits, all tassles and feathers and pasties, and Mike from Detroit Threads kept the records spinning.

Meanwhile, the bar behind us was filling up, unusual for the Belmont on a Thursday night. Rumor is that an indy film crew from Sweden was there to shoot part of a documentary about the Detroit music scene. At some point the DJ they were interested in bumped Mike off the turntables. A few curious innocent bystanders wandered over to see what we were up to, one of whom was a Detroit ex-pat whose grandfather had run a well-known burlesque joint on Woodward Ave. back in the day! Small world...

Anyway, the film crew ignored us, I think. What the hell is the world coming to when Swedish filmmakers don't want to film a half-naked woman!?

Many many thanks to Mike for tunes and gift certificate prizes (I'm telling you guys, you gotta check out his place. He just got a shipment of vintage art supplies in that are really great!), and especially to swag faerie-turned-model's best friend Katherine who helped Queen Bee out in the dressing room. And of course, thanks to the art monkeys who were most patient despite the craziness and most generous with the tips.

Art by Tom Dow, more to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything you guys and gals! I wanna see the rest of those drawings and pix, Pleeeeze!