Howdy, y'all! Just letting you know that Dr. Sketchy's a-comin' to the Belmont in Hamtramck tomorrow, Thursday, May 14! It's gonna be country-western night at DS this month (or it better be, else all this Hee-Haw talk I'm a-spoutin' is gonna sound mighty strange), with two lovely models done up in cowboys-n-indians garb and a playlist of appropriately twangy music goin' in the background.
Please note: due to bands playing later in the evening, we'll need to vacate the stage around 9:30pm. We're going to try to get started around 6:30 so we get our 3 hours in. So come early! Yee haw! Wh-KSHH!! (Uh, that was a whip cracking at the end there. Yeah.)